Extremist: One who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm, especially in politics
The internet is filled with various pages, challenging people's beliefs and passions encouraging people to join things or do things. There are those pages like ones on facebook which encourage fans to join and share their common likes about a topic Twilight dare I say. This post will discuss the group collective; the Extremists while answering the questions whether the Australia First Party can be considered one.
Welcome to the Media and there of.
There are groups which tend to go a bit overboard with their views. These groups have a strong view on certain issues like sexuality, religion, etc... and their views are considered the most important or superior to others. The term to describe these groups is called extremists. Extremists believe in a certain uncompromising way which can be interpreted as radical in regards to their stances. I'll use the example of the Ku Klux Klan. This American group believed in a white country, with strong and harsh views on the treatment of the 'black' african american people and people from other races. What made them extreme were their actions against these people as the KKK would resort to killing these people who didn't follow the roman catholic way. Being a very right wing group they promote racism, anti Catholicism, anti-Communism and nativism.
The Australia First party is a right wing group believing in removing multiculturalism, becoming an independent nation as well as improving the Australian working industries. By utilizing the internet they spread their beliefs and knowledge to potential and current followers through various online media forms from blogs to videos posted on youtube. Their all their beliefs which can be found conveniently on their website under their 'constitution' states:
Item 3.5: Abolish Multiculturalism
End the divisive, government funded and institutionalised policy of multiculturalism.Item 3.7: Strengthen the family
Promote policies that strengthen and protect the traditional family.(Source: Australia First Party Website)
And there's plenty more where that came from. I find that for a group who wants Australia to be independent and yet wants to abolish multiculturalism or any differences for that matter is hypocritical as to be a strong nation you have to work harmonize together. As a person who's family migrated to Australia and also has open views to the structure of the modern family I find this group very narrow minded and ignorant that people aren't made the same. Sure in the past people lived much more simpler lives with less rules and opportunities, but hello welcome to 2010 where the American President is half African American and where people are visibly fighting for Gay and Lesbian Rights; we've moved on peoples.
Back to whether this group can be considered as an 'extremist' group. I would say that their views can be considered extreme and radical in nature, however they're just views and not actions. When I define an extremist group I think of the KKK or Extremist Terrorist groups. These groups are well known for their actions than just there words, something which I think makes the 'extreme' as they will do whatever it takes to make their viewpoint a reality. The Australia First Party to me is like other right winged groups who try and sell their beliefs to whoever will listen.